Williams Chiropractic Clinic

Life is a journey. Health is a manifestation of past thoughts and actions.

In the classic children’s story of Alice in Wonderland, Alice becomes lost in a strange place and is looking for the path that will lead her home. She comes to a fork in the road with countless unmarked paths to travel going in every direction. Siting in a tree above this crossroads sits the illusive Cheshire cat. Alice asks the cat which of the paths is the correct one?

The cat responds with the question “Where are you going?” Alice replies “I don’t know.” The Cheshire cat then states that if you don’t know where you want to go, it does not matter which of the paths you take.

Without a clear understanding of what health is, it will be hard to know if we have obtained it or not. Dorland’s medical dictionary describes heath as “A complete state of mental, physical and social wellbeing and NOT merely the absence of disease and/or infirmity.” There is a difference between healthy and not sick.

Imagine if while traveling down the road the check engine light comes on. In order to remedy this situation a Sharpe marker is used to color over the light. Problem solved! Actually the problem is still there, the warning light was just covered up. Pain serves as a warning to show when someone is of course. Covering the warning light and covering up symptoms don’t lead to proper function and health. Covering symptoms leads to a false sense of security. The longer the warning light is ignored the risk of irreversible damage increases.

Picture an old dirt road. Entrenched in the middle of the road is a rut from the tires. Through years of travel and many rains storms, this rut has become deep. No matter how hard travelers seem to try, the ruts are unavoidable and they somehow are continually pulled of course. After a storm cars often get stuck in the deep ruts. It seems that the harder the wheels spin, the deeper the ruts become.
Chiropractic care essentially creates a new dirt road, without the pot holes and ruts that keeps travelers off course in their path to Health and wellness.

In virtually every room of our office is posted a picture of the road to recovery. This road shows two paths, one leads to health and the other leads to nowhere. The path to health includes initial intensive care, Corrective care, and wellness care. In the beginning of care the body is retrained to hold its proper alignment. Initial intensive care prepares the way for more lasting change. Corrective, stabilization and rehabilitative care is where our office specializes. That which is patchable is patched and the fixable is fixed. This is where the true healing occurs. Wellness care keeps the structure body healthy, increases function and improves quality of life.